Donate today

Every dollar helps build a future for our members

Rodd & Shelley
Crafts & supplies

Donations play a huge role in the success & opportunities for Adults in Motion members.  Donations help with every aspect of programming, from access to the great community & resources to supplies & transportation to living wages for our employees & accessible, safe & happy locations for all our members.

How do donations help?

Program supplies

Our programs are active and lively, often consuming a lot of supplies.  From cooking & baking to arts & life skills, our participants do a lot of doing!

Operational costs

We rely on a passionate, empathetic and imaginative team of professionals, both front line and behind the scenes. We are constantly striving to do our very best for all our members and are committed to keeping rising operational costs down.

Community Inclusion

Community involvement and inclusion is are cornerstones of our program and culture.  These create new opportunities, broader relationships, new skill development & communication skills.  But it’s also a costly part of our program.

Who do donations help?

Your donations help today.  Not in months or years, but every single day we see donations create opportunities, new experiences and greater fulfillment for our members.

Feeling generous?

Discover the power of compassion at Adults in Motion. By donating today, you can impact lives. Join our mission to empower adults with disabilities through creative recreational programs and support services. Your contribution fosters joy, independence, and a sense of belonging. Together, let’s create a future full of opportunities for all.

Volunteer with Adults in Motion