Rock Your Socks

rock your socks adults with developmental disabilities
rock your socks adults with disabilities

Fifty moms and fifty kids share one tiny thing in common… 1 extra chromosome!  To celebrate this year’s March 21st ‘Down Syndrome Day’ these families made a carpool karaoke tribute to their amazing little humans.  While staff at Adults in Motion rocked their socks (another way to celebrate down syndrome awareness) these beautiful people were making musical magic together.  People are awesome. #nothingdownaboutit #nolimits #homieswithextrachromies

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Disability Media Representation

Representation matters, and the way disabled individuals are portrayed in films, television shows, books, and other media can significantly impact public understanding and attitudes. Simply

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Unveiling the Power of Puzzles: A Therapeutic Journey for a Healthy Mind

Discover the transformative power of puzzles in ‘Puzzles – Beyond Entertainment’. Explore how these engaging activities serve as therapeutic tools, enhancing cognitive functions, memory, problem-solving, and reasoning skills. Puzzles are not just for entertainment; they are potent tools for cognitive development, offering benefits for individuals with and without developmental disabilities.

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